
CSR Reports

CSR Reports

The reason why we consider CSR reports important is because they can be used to appeal the quality of a company by incorporating IR elements into CSR content.

The global financial crisis that started with the Lehman Brothers’ bankruptcy caused people to reevaluate unbridled market worship, and the issue of global warming has been associated with a move away from market philosophy predicated on growth. Against this backdrop, investors who emphasize ESG information are emerging, and it is now necessary for companies to recognize the ultimate providers of capital, namely individuals, citizens, and society. We believe that it is now assumed that companies should explain their social responsibilities in a common language on a global level based on this standard.

In producing CSR reports, few organizations produce their reports independently. Most of them employ external specialists such as consultants and production companies. In light of this trend, IR Consulting Business Division undertakes referencing operations against various guidelines for the acquisition of third-party accreditation for the report based on analysis of CSR-related trends in Japan and overseas and case study research. We also offer comprehensive tool production combined with expert consulting.

Designed to Achieve Both General Readability and Coverage for Core Readers

Third-Party Opinion Coordination Service

When publishing a CSR report, many companies ask external experts to provide a comment on their CSR activities and implementation, and on their approach to information disclosure. The comments are published in the report to provide an objective opinion.

When featuring a third-party opinion, it is important to consider beforehand what kind of expert to ask, what to ask them about, and what kind of evaluation standard they should base their comment on.

We offer our clients a high quality coordination service that covers all these aspects.


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