
Shareholder Letters

Shareholder Letters

The shareholders’ letter is the only communication tool for companies to reach shareholders directly.

The details of system disclosure have grown increasingly sophisticated year by year, and recently there have been cases where shareholders require expert knowledge to a significant degree in order to understand them. In light of this situation, companies are called to think of ways to provide clear explanations to shareholders and to use planning, editing, design and analysis capabilities based on the readers’ perspective when creating shareholders’ letters.

We expect that shareholders’ letters will continue to be widely used in business settings. These days, just as with annual reports, shareholders’ letters are required to act as a back-up tool on financial information to ensure trust from society. From this perspective, we propose shareholders’ letters with an awareness that they are read not only by shareholders, but by a wider audience of potential investors, including local communities, authorities, and students engaged in job searching.

FISCO Group’s simple shareholder letter

FISCO Group provides support for the creation of a simple shareholder letter.

By developing a pattern for layout and content, these letters can be created in a short time at low cost. Moreover, in coordination with our corporate analysis reports, we can also provide high quality comments from FISCO analysts for each letter.


  • Analysts comment can be included
    FISCO Group is uniquely qualified to provide this service as a financial information provider
  • Speed
    Letters can be produced quickly using an established production flow
  • Creative ability
    We utilize our IR tool production expertise from our work in annual reports and other tools


> Introducing the analysts who provide comments

The analyst is selected based on the content of the materials.


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